Get your FREE workouts from my new Functionally Fit Mama Program!

Free workouts delivered to your inbox weekly starting March 13! Test them out and share your feedback with me!

When you sign up to be a beta tester for this new program, you will be invited to participate in an early launch of the program with a special discount for beta testers ONLY! 

Hey Mama, are you tired of feeling.....

Like a stranger in your postpartum body?

Guilty for taking time to really take care of your self?

Like you can’t keep up physically with your kids and family?

Frustrated because you don’t have time to take care of your self?

So tired that even if you had time, you wouldn’t have the energy to move your body?


I know all those feelings, because I have LIVED all those feelings. 

And because I know I’m not the only one to feel that way, I decided to create a program, designed for busy moms that want to feel stronger, more confident, and have more energy. 

I am putting the finishing touches on this program and I would love some help from you!

Functionally Fit Mama

The Functionally Fit Mama program is a 12 week program designed for busy moms that are ready to take back their body, get stronger, gain confidence, and feel AWESOME!

In 12 weeks you will:

Feel more confident in your body, both in how you look and feel

Improve your strength and endurance

Have more energy

Learn that taking care of yourself is NECESSARY, no longer optional

Be better able to meet the demands of motherhood 

Create a sustainable routine that you can carry on after you complete the program

ALL of this, without spending hours slaving away at the gym, because who honestly has the time for that?? Every workout in the Functionally Fit Mama program is designed to be done at home and includes modifications to meet you WHERE YOU ARE physically. 

What is a beta test?

This beta test is a chance for me to get feedback from YOU about this program so I can make the finishing touches to make sure this program is up and ready to go! I VALUE your feedback and want to hear from you!

As a beta tester you will receive a total 3 FREE workouts and 1 FREE mobility flow, each delivered to your inbox. Starting March 13, you will receive an email from me containing one workout or the mobility flow. In return, I ask that you send me a line or two of feedback after you complete the workout. You can also hashtag the workout with #functionallyfitmama on social media so I can give you a shout-out!

As a big THANK YOU for helping me out, you will also receive early access to the full program and a discount!

If you are interested in some FREE workouts and you are ready to be one of my beta testers, click below and get signed up! I can’t wait to share this program with you and to hear your feedback!

About Kelsey

Hi! I am Kelsey, wife, mom, physical therapist, postnatal fitness specialist, and the creator of Functionally Fit Mama. 

I have been a physical therapist almost as long as I have been a mom, and I have seen women struggle establishing a fitness routine postpartum and feeling confident and comfortable in their postpartum bodies. I have learned how to use movement and exercise to feel strong, confident, comfortable, and incredibly capable in my postpartum body and have a passion for share that knowledge with as many women as possible.

Functionally Fit Mama was developed after many conversations with friends and clients looking for a way to establish a fitness routine that fit their life, improve their strength and endurance, increase their energy, and still leave them enough time to meet all the demands of #momlife. 

Functional fitness is about about more than being able to lift a certain weight or see a given number on the scale. It is about having the strength, endurance, and ENERGY to keep up with your kids, and the confidence to tackle anything that comes your way!

I am so glad you are here and I can’t wait to get started!